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10 things to improve your concentration while in college

In today’s fast-paced world, staying focused is key to success. But with endless distractions, maintaining concentration can be a challenge. Here, we’ll explore 10 strategies to boost your focus and productivity. Highlight 1. Eliminate distractions In order to produce quality work, you need to eliminate distractions. Close social media and prioritize uninterrupted time blocks. By doing so, you can create an environment conducive to deep concentration and productivity. Block off…

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Why you should talk to current or former students of the college you plan to join

In the whirlwind of college decisions, don’t underestimate the power of talking to current and former students. Their unexamined experiences provide a real insight into university life, from the smallest challenges to the vibrant social atmosphere. From understanding the nuances of campus culture and curriculum to utilizing career opportunities and confidential advice, these conversations will shape your college journey, ensure a good fit, and set you up for success beyond…

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The resources you need to land a software engineering FAANG/MAANG companies

In the competitive field of software engineering, getting a software engineering position at top-tier tech companies like FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) or MAANG (Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google) requires a combination of technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit. In this article, we’ll explore the resources you need to prepare effectively for interviews at these coveted organizations. Highlights What kind of engineers do FAANG/MAANG companies hire?…

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