
Articles Written By

Nicole Awuor

What do college admission officers look for in prospective students

By Nicole Awuor April 20, 2024 3 Min Read

In their quest to assemble an accomplished student body, college admission officers look through various aspects of an applicant’s profile. Here are some of the areas where admissions officers focus their attention: Academic performance Admissions officers prioritize academic achievement. They look through applicants’ high school transcripts, paying attention to trends in academic performance. A strong academic record demonstrates a student’s ability to excel in a college environment. Standardized test scores…

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Navigating College Application Process in the Digital Age

By Nicole Awuor January 22, 2024 3 Min Read

From researching universities to submitting applications, the digital landscape has reshaped how individuals approach this crucial phase of their academic lives. The college application process has changed significantly in the digital age as described in this article. Researching Universities In the digital era, college students have an abundance of resources at their fingertips. Online platforms, university websites, and social media provide a wealth of information about different institutions. Virtual campus…

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A day in the life of a college admissions officer.

By Nicole Awuor January 22, 2024 3 Min Read

The role of a college admissions officer involves shaping the future of the institution by carefully selecting the next cohort of students. From reviewing applications to engaging with prospective students, admission officers play a crucial role in building a vibrant and diverse academic community. This article goes over what a typical day looks like for someone working in college admissions What does a college admissions officer do? The day typically…

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Planning your finances in college.

By Nicole Awuor January 22, 2024 4 Min Read

Developing a good financial plan is essential to navigate tuition costs, living expenses, and unforeseen circumstances. Here’s a guide to help you strategically plan your finances during your college years. Create a Budget The cornerstone of effective financial planning is creating a budget. List all potential income sources, including savings, part-time work, scholarships, grants, and parental support. On the other side of the ledger, outline expected expenses such as tuition,…

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Achieving A Balance Between Mental Health And Academics

By Nicole Awuor January 22, 2024 4 Min Read

The demands of coursework, exams, and extracurricular activities can create significant stressors that impact mental well-being. Having balance between academic pursuits and mental health is essential for long-term success and overall life satisfaction. This article talks about the various ways you can achieve a balance between your mental health and academics. Image based on data from the American College Health Association Understanding the Connection between Academic Success and Stress While…

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How to land paid internship while in college.

By Nicole Awuor December 10, 2023 3 Min Read

Internships are a great way to start building professional experience and earn a little bit of money while in college. However, with a lack of work experience, landing paid internships can be hard and the process competitive. To maximize your chances, consider the following strategies to land paid internships. Build a Strong Online Presence Create and optimize your LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a great place to land paid internships and…

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How do Gen Z search for colleges and study programs

By Nicole Awuor December 3, 2023 3 Min Read

Gen Z is considered the most tech savvy generation yet. Growing up, they were constantly exposed to changing technologies and gadget advancements so it’s no surprise that technology is a central part of who they are. Gen Z’s technical fluency makes them adept at online communication and social media use, which is evident in the way they search for college and study programs. The article details some ways Gen Z’s…

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